
2018 Twinkie Run

April 5, 2018

Currently available: $23+  Visit their site to learn more

Coming April 22, 2018. Look out…it’s a giant Twinkie running down the road! The irreverently fun 2018 Twinkie Run in Ann Arbor, Michigan was rescheduled from its usual April Fool’s Day to the fourth Sunday in April this year. There will be Twinkie stops along the 5K, loop course, plenty of people dressed as Twinkies running and volunteering, a baking contest with homemade Twinkies, and wait for it…grilled Twinkies after the race. On a more serious note, this is a fundraising event to raise awareness and funds for research and projects aggressively seeking a cure or effective treatment for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). For a fun time and worthy cause, sign up for the 10th annual Twinkie Run!
