
Star Wars 5K Fun Run

May 1, 2019

Currently available: $30  Visit their site to learn more

Coming May 4, 2019. May the 4th be with you at the Star Wars 5K Fun Run! In a galaxy far, far away, known as Midland, found in the center of Michigan, you’ll find Jedi, ewoks, Dark Vadars, Princess Leia, and maybe even a few Chewie’s and Sith Lords, waiting to run through the Midland City Forest. This untimed 5K event covers dirt trails and includes a walking event and One Mile Jedi Training Course (aka an obstacle course, complete with  your very own light saber!). Costumes are encouraged and the post-race festival will include games, photo opportunities, activities and refreshments. For all you Star Wars fans, join the rebellion at the Star Wars 5K Fun Run!
