
Gobbler’s Knob Trail

February 2, 2017

Currently available: $10  Visit their site to learn more

Happy Groundhog Day! By the time you read this, Punxsutawney Phil will have made his appearance and determined whether we’ll have six more weeks of winter or an early spring. Either way, you can still enjoy the Gobbler’s Knob Trail where the weather forecasting groundhog makes his prediction each year as well as a leisurely half mile trail labeled with the history of Groundhog Day, the Inner Circle, Punxsutawney Phil, groundhog facts, and more. For those not in the know, this tradition was started in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania back in 1886, when the editor of the local paper promoted the town’s groundhog as the official “Groundhog Day meteorologist”. Folklore dictates that when the groundhog emerges from hibernation and sees his shadow, it’s an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and he returns to his hole. If the day is cloudy and, hence, shadowless, he takes it as a sign of spring and stays above ground. The Gobbler’s Knob Trail is a chance to get caught up in this fun tradition!
