
Turkey Tri & Pumpkin Pie Kids Duathlon, San Dimas

November 21, 2012

Currently available: $115  Visit their site to learn more

Coming Nov 25, 2012. Hey, it’s Thanksgiving in the the US tomorrow, and what would TrailblazerGirl do? Well, she’d wait a few days to recover from the calorie shock and then on Sunday she’d burn away those calories at the Turkey Tri & Pumpkin Pie Kids Duathlon in San Dimas, California. The triathlon consists of a 1/2 mile swim, 14 mile bike ride followed by a 4.5 mile run, and the duathlon consists of 1/2 mile run, 2 mile bike ride and then another 1/2 mile run. The swim is on a nice calm lake and the runs are on a nice paved surface, so this is a great way to recover or just start your New Year’s resolution early, to get fit that is, on a great short course.
