
MibeTec Bite Away

October 7, 2020

Currently available: $39.99  Visit their site to learn more

Mess free and chemical free relief of insect bites! Bite Away from the folks at MibeTec is an FDA cleared device that uses heat to take away the itchiness, pain and swelling that comes with insect bites. This handheld gadget has a small ceramic disk at one end through which a concentrated amount of heat (up to 124 degrees) is administered. The heat works to naturally break down the proteins that cause itching, swelling, and irritation. Start with a short dose of 3 seconds (left button). If that doesn’t do the trick, wait for a few minutes and then go with the 5 second button (right button). We tried it on a recently acquired mosquito bite and had instant and long-lasting relief with the 3 second button! The device looks a bit like an electronic temperature gauge and is powered by 2 AA batteries. It seems to work especially well when applied shortly after getting bit, so have this device handy when you’re out and about. On your next camping trip, remember to bring MibeTec Bite Away for fast relief of the itchies!
