

February 15, 2017

Currently available: $19.95  Visit their site to learn more

It protects you without you even thinking about it. Our friends at SignalVault have developed an innovative way to keep your credit card and debit card information safe. These mild-mannered, credit card-looking lifesavers are fitted with a microchip that does double duty by detecting scanners and creating white noise to mask your information, plus it has a signal blocking component, so your information is invisible to hackers and identity thieves. Place a SignalVault card behind your credit cards in the top and bottom slots of your wallet, and they effectively provide a barrier to crowd hackers who are out their trying to skim your data. No batteries are required, and the microchip is rated at “100,000 protection cycles which is the equivalent of a hacker attempting to steal your information 10 times per day for 25 years”. SignalVault is the best kind of security – one you don’t even need to think about!
