
Hiking Hidden Gems in America’s National Parks

October 4, 2024

Currently available: $34.95  Visit their site to learn more

A new resource for hikes to add to your bucket list! In the recently released, Hiking Hidden Gems in America’s National Parks, Ted Alvarez share secret tips for making the most of some of the best parks in our nation’s National Park system. The large coffee table book is filled with gorgeous color photographs, enticing you to visit 59 parks in the continental United States, Hawaii, the US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. The book outlines each park with a highlight of the points of interest, followed by Zones of Interest (whole areas that warrant further exploration), followed by Hikes (some of the best in that particular park), and lastly, Hidden Gems. The Hidden Gems are tips like keeping your eyes peeled for sighting of the Haleakala silversword, a unique plant endemic to the volcanic slopes of the Haleakala National Park on the island of Maui or checking in at the visitor center at the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona to review the binder of off-the-beaten-path hikes. Hiking Hidden Gems in America’s National Parks is a fantastic resource for all TrailblazerGirls interested in exploring our national park system.
