
Bonk Breakers Bars and Chews

August 28, 2018

Currently available: $14 (6 bars)  Visit their site to learn more

Chewy yumminess without the bonk! Developed by 2 elite athletes, Bonk Breakers Bars and Energy Chews address, as the name implies, the awful condition that we experience when our glycogen stores get so low that our brain starts to shut down our body. They offer 3 types of bars that are made with 10-12 real food ingredients that are gluten free, non-GMO, and dairy free (except the Salted Caramel Energy Bar and the Cookies & Cream Protein bar). Nutrition Bars have 180-210 calories and 5-9 grams of protein with a 4:1 carb-to-protein ratio providing sustained energy to power you through your day. Nutrition+ Bars add more high-quality plant-based protein for a 3:1 carb-to-protein ratio with 200-240 calories and 9-13 grams of protein. And the Premium Protein Bars have 190-230 calories and 15 grams of protein from collagen protein and grass fed whey. Besides the great macros, the bars come in 14 delicious flavors like Banana Cream, Almond Butter and Honey, and Almond Cherry Chunk. Get quick fuel and carbs that are easily digestible with the Energy Chews. Each packet has 8 large, soft gummies for a total calorie count of 160 and are loaded with 240mg of electrolytes. As they say, Real Food, Real Fuel, Real Flavor, and we want to add, Real Good!
