
The Itch Eraser

August 25, 2017

Currently available: $4.99  Visit their site to learn more

Don’t let the itch get you down…use The Itch Eraser! Summertime outdoors often means mosquitoes, and no matter how much bug spray you use, there’s always a chance that you’re gonna get bit. Enter The Itch Eraser. It does exactly what its name implies. Formulated with a steroid-free antihistamine, gear up for prompt relief of those irritatingly itchy insect bites and rashes. As an added bonus, the aloe, vitamin E, tea tree oil, baking soda and an oat complex, provide natural healing powers to treat sunburns and minor cuts. Available in 3 formulations, spray, gel, and sensitive cream, The Itch Eraser gives you welcome relief for all your itch-related problems, so remember to take it with you on all your TrailblazerGirl adventures!
