
Kite Shield

May 23, 2017

Currently available: $9.99  Visit their site to learn more

Don’t let the bugs keep you from enjoying the outdoors! Our friends at Kite Shield have a chemical free (read: no DEET!) bug spray that works. Though the active ingredients of lemongrass, thyme, and peppermint oil sound like a recipe for the latest food craze, they actually block the mosquitoes’ receptors that areĀ used to target you. This combination of botanical ingredients works as a sort of cloaking “shield” to make you virtually invisible to those pesky, biting nasties. Yay! Spray on for up to 4 hours of protection, depending on the type of mosquitoes you have in your area. TrailblazerGirls, it’s time to protect yourself with Kite Shield!
